Friday, January 26, 2007

First Prenatal Visit

What I thought was going to be just a routine visit with a nurse to draw blood ended up being a visit with a mid-wife in the OB group. Apparently, Julia is 10 weeks already! That means we can have our first ultra-sound!

"Wow, wow, wow. No way. Wow. There he is. Wow. Are those the arms? Whoa, he's moving? I can't believe it. He's actually inside of you. Right there. That's what we looked like before? Wow."

4.25 cm...We're hoping it's a boy.

That visit was in Brea. We're going to Sand Canyon (closer, in Irvine) next week, Friday February 2nd.

Lord, we consecrate this baby to Christ and the church. May he grow up loving You in Your house all the days of His life.