Friday, January 26, 2007

First Prenatal Visit

What I thought was going to be just a routine visit with a nurse to draw blood ended up being a visit with a mid-wife in the OB group. Apparently, Julia is 10 weeks already! That means we can have our first ultra-sound!

"Wow, wow, wow. No way. Wow. There he is. Wow. Are those the arms? Whoa, he's moving? I can't believe it. He's actually inside of you. Right there. That's what we looked like before? Wow."

4.25 cm...We're hoping it's a boy.

That visit was in Brea. We're going to Sand Canyon (closer, in Irvine) next week, Friday February 2nd.

Lord, we consecrate this baby to Christ and the church. May he grow up loving You in Your house all the days of His life.


Julia Holly said...

I was really having a hard time realizing that I will soon be a mommy. All the morning sickness and physical limitation made me want to just throw in the towel. However, the Lord has been supplying through the brothers and sisters. When I first saw the little one, I couldn't stop smiling. I am so happy I can be experiencing this with my Philip.

Anonymous said...

Julia and Philip,

You'll be challenged in many ways with your new blessing from God, but these challenges will be overcome by the supreme joy that he/she will bring you each and every day. You will have a new appreciation for your parents and what they have done for you in raising you in this world. May you continue to be blessed as you grow your beautiful family together!

Best Regards,

Ron Aclan

Anonymous said...

Phil and Julia,
Praise Him! Praise Him! Christ is Victor! Wow...the Lord is really awesome! Congrats on the new addition. Julia...don't throw in the are hidden in the Body!! We are all standing with you. May the Lord make this child a dispensational instrument to turn this age and bring Him back!

jon & sarah said...

Yeay! Congratulations. I can tell he/she is a cutie.
The top highlight of my pregnancy was the very first ultrasound. That's when reality hit with a strange love at first sight experience. We walked out of there walking in clouds and dizzy I nearly hit a pole. ^_^
Take it easy, you'll do just great.


Anonymous said...

Julia, I promise the morning sickness will get better!! Just rest as much as possible and each little salty snacks throughout the day; this tends to help with the nausea.
Phil, Sooooo excited that you are going to be a Daddy! Can hardly believe it... Wait until you hold your baby in your arms for the first time-- makes you realize just a little how the Lord feels about us. It's the best human experience I have had so far!

Anonymous said...

anonymous is actually Amber Ortiz