Friday, July 20, 2007

36th Week

Yesterday, I had my regular OB/GYN appointment and NST appointment following. The doctor gave me my first vaginal examination to see if I've dilated, which wasn't the case. Whew! I'm ready for her yet. He actually could feel her head on the other side, so she is low. So far so good. He said I'm where I'm supposed to be, head down, heartbeat sounded great and the NST appointment also went well (regular heart rate and amniotic fluid). However, he did measure my uterus which didn't fall under regular/typical size (cm = weeks. The only concern is that my uterus measured a little low. Early on in my pregnancy an ultra-sound indicated something "suspicious" about a circular object by the umbilical chord. Thus, he wanted to take the precaution of ordering another ultra-sound, more detailed than regular NST screenings. He wants to find out if the baby is growing at a normal rate, if not then there may be a need for possible induction. Oh Lord we just give You the delivery of this baby. Keep her healthy for the sake of Your Body. She belongs to You.

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