Sunday, August 12, 2007

Baby Holly is here!

Tirzah Joanne Holly was born on August 10, 2007 at 2:20pm in Irvine Regional Hospital, rm 254.

We're so happy! At the onset of labor, we were encouraged by John 16:20-21:

20 Truly, truly, I say to you that you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice; you will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be turned into joy.
21 A woman, when she gives birth, has sorrow because her hour has come; but when she brings forth the little child, she no longer remembers the affliction because of the joy that a man has been born into the world.

During the labor, although demanding at times for Julia, we felt rest, readiness to endure, not anxious, and a sense that we are in the Lord's hands, even "carried on Eagle's wings". We realize it must have been the prayers of so many. Thank you all!

For more pictures of Tirzah and family, visit

If you want the details of the labor, read below...

Julia went in for a routine Non-stress test appointment on Thursday at 3:00pm. The nurse noticed a deceleration in the baby's heartbeat and directed Julia to labor and delivery in Irvine Regional immediately. There, while waiting for a doctor, she was initially taken care of by a sister in Irvine who was on duty. Although baby's heartbeat was normal, the doctor decided to induce, which took place at 9:00pm. Julia was able to sleep through the night although she experienced minor contractions every 4-5 minutes. Philip slept too. Around 9 the next morning, Julia's contractions were closer together and stronger, so Philip practiced "Partner's choice" method of breathing (Julia gave 1-5 "hee" followed with a "who" depending on the number of fingers Philip put up). The breathing really helped. From 11:00 - 12:00 noon the contractions were much stronger and 1-2 minutes apart. Julia requested and recieved pain medication at 12:00, which helped her sleep between contractions. At 1:35 Julia called the nurse to request an epidural because she thought she still had a long way to go. To our pleasant suprise, Julia was already 8cm dilated, which meant she only had 2 left before she could push, and that she was already in the most strenuous part of labor (transition). She decided to continue without the epidural. About 10 minutes later, Julia started feeling a strong urge to push. Because she wasn't fully dilated, she spent the next 15 minutes "blowing out the candle" every contraction to prevent premature pushing. At 2:00 the doctor finally came and checked her. "She's complete. She's 10." The doctor broke her water, gave her the green light to push, then left. With the help of Julia's mom, Philip, and the nurse, Julia pushed for about 10 minutes before the nurse had to go and get the doctor again because baby's head was showing. The doctor came back and delivered the baby at 2:20pm.

At first we were wondering why Julia had to get induced. But after the baby came, we didn't care. We really felt that the day and the hour was the Lord's sovereign arrangement. Thank you Lord for this gift!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

My mommy

It's been great! So far, my mother has been here for a week and three days. She's been a great help around the house. I didn't imagine to be this prepared before the baby's coming. We did a lot this week, mopped the floor, organized a few rooms, shopped at Target several times, made a few returns from the baby shower, and the list goes on. She also cooked for me and Philip yummy Filipino food, just like how I like the meals cooked. Today, Aug. 4th, I had a chance to sit down with my mother and learn a little more about her. I'll bullet point it for now, before I forget:

1976 - she moved to California, baby sat for Uncle Dante, and moved between San Luis Obispo and San Jose
1977 - She worked in Silicon Valley, assembly line, living at Uncle Dante's
1978 - moved to New York, sister Rebecca told her to come out for a job at Cornell University (laboratory), prayed that God would give her a job that would Him closer to her (in midst of decision making between PG&E & Cornell), denied at PG&E she moved to NYC and first day arrived went to a meeting of the ch in NYC with Rebecca
1979 - met daddy, really liked her job but followed the Lord to remain w/ dad at NC
Jan. 12th, 1980 - got married
1980 - Moved to North Carolina, worked for the state at a laboratory
1981 - I was born
1981 - moved to CA for citizenship, daddy went home to PI. Mom lived with Uncle Danny in Ocean, SF and met with saints in SF.
1982 - moved back to PI
Mom stayed at home to raise us while dad taught at UP.
1983 - Anna was born
1985 - Grace was born
to be cont.

Positive Update - Dr. Appointment

I had my last OB/GYN appointment on July 27th and Dr. Roth said the baby is at the 75 percentile, which is a good size. She's just hiding really well. Also, I measured out to be at 36 cm at 37 weeks. This week, which is the 38th week, I only had my two routine NST appointments (i.e. checking the baby's heart rate and amniotic fluid). Carol, the nurse, has seen me plenty but this time my mother and sister, Grace, was able to be at the appointment. At first the baby was asleep, then Grace started talking to the baby and woke her up. She started moving hard enough to trigger a few contractions.